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Just an example of old passport of mine. You must have a valid passport to visit West Borneo Indonesia. Photo Asep Haryono |
What You Should Know About Visa And Immigration Policy Of The Republic Of Indonesia.
Please pay attention to some our official rules in terms of Entry Points, Passports and Visas as well before you decide to visit West Borneo, Indonesia.
To all overseas tourists or travelers who wants to visit Indonesia , be informed , must have a valid Passport for at least six months from the date of your arrival in this country, and prepare the evidence of your proof tickets both onward or return passage. All information described as follows were taken from Official website of Wonderful Indonesia. You could have visited them now here
Free Tourist Visa
A good news for all travelers all around the globe, that The Republic Of Indonesia already support special Short Stay Visa Free facilities for tourists from 169 countries in the world who decide to come to to Indonesia. For your information that those Tourist Visa Free Facilities are valid for 30 days that cannot be transferred into any other type of of stay permit AND are non-extendable .
The purpose of attending a seminar as keynote speakers, social visit, art and cultural, international exhibition, government duty, meetings with head office or representative office in Indonesia, transit and tourism family visit as well are example of what we mean by the visa exemption facilities.
Please find at below some of the countries in the world which are called as "the Countries granted Visa Free Facilities" such as :
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Comoros
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Dominica (Commonwealth)
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Greece
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Ireland
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lao, People’s Democratic Republic
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxemburg
- Macao
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Islands
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Norway
- Oman
- Palau
- Palestine
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Rwanda
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and Grenadines
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Suriname
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Timor Leste
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Vatican City State
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
For those nationals of the above 169 countries can absolutely enter and exit Indonesian Territory through out about 124 Immigration Checkpoints in seaports , airports and land borders as follows:
- Adi Soemarmo, Surakarta
- Adi Sucipto, Yogyakarta
- Ahmad Yani, Semarang
- Bandara International Lombok, Mataram
- Belitung, Tanjung Pandan
- Binaka, Sibolga
- El Tari, Kupang
- Frans Kaisiepo, Biak
- Halim Perdana Kusuma, DKI Jakarta
- Hang Nadim, Batam
- Husein Sastranegara, Bandung
- I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Bali
- Juanda, Surabaya
- Kuala Namu, Medan
- Maimun Saleh, Sabang
- Minangkabau, Padang
- Mopah, Merauke
- Mozes Kilangi, Tembaga Pura
- Pattimura, Ambon
- Polonia, medan
- Sam ratulangi, manado
- Sepinggan, balikpapan
- Soekarno Hatta, Banten
- Sultan Hassanudin, Makassar
- Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh
- Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II, Palembang
- Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Pekanbaru
- Supadio, Pontianak
- Tarakan, Tarakan
- Achmad Yani, Ternate
- Amamapare, Tembaga Pura
- Anggrek, Gorontalo
- Bagan Siapi-api, Bagan Siapi-api
- Badar Bentan Telani Lagoi, Tanjung Uban
- Bandar Seri Udana Lobam, Tanjung Uban
- Bandar Seri Setia Raja, Bengkalis
- Batam Center, Batam
- Batu Ampar, Batam
- Belakang Padang, Belakang Padang
- Belawan, Belawan
- Benete, Sumbawa Besar
- Biak, Biak
- Boom Baru, Palembang
- Celukan Bawang, Singaraja
- Citra Tri Tunas, Batam
- Ciwandan, Cilegon
- Dumai, Dumai
- Dwi Kora, Pontianak
- Gunung Sitoli, Sibolga
- Jambi, Jambi
- Jayapura, Jayapura
- Kabil, Batam
- Kendari, Kendari
- Kota Baru, Kota Baru
- Kuala Enok, Tembilahan
- Kuala Langsa, Aceh
- Kuala Tanjung, Tanjung Balai Asahan
- Kuala Tungkal, Jambi
- Lauren Say, Maumere
- Lembar, Mataram
- Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe
- Malahayati, Aceh
- Malundung, Tarakan
- Manado, Manado
- Marina Teluk Senimba, Batam
- Marore, Tahuna
- Merauke, Merauke
- Miangas, Tahuna
- Nongsa Terminal Bahari, Batam
- Nusantara, Pare-pare
- Nusantara, tahuna
- Padang Bai, Singaraja
- Panarukan, Panarukan
- Pangkal Balam, Pangkal Pinang
- Panjang, Bandar Lampung
- Pantoloan, Palu
- Pasuruan, Pasuruan
- Pemangkat, Sambas
- Probolinggo, Probolinggo
- Pulau Baai, Bengkulu
- Sabang, Aceh
- Samarinda, samarinda
- Sampit, Sampit
- Samudera, Bitung
- Sekupang, batam
- Selat lampa, Ranai
- Semayang, Balikpapan
- Siak Sri Indrapura, Siak
- Sibolga, Sibolga
- Sintete, Sambas
- Soekarno Hatta, Makassar
- Sorong-Sorong
- Sri Bayintan, Tanjung Pinang
- Sri Bintan Pura, Tanjung Pinang
- Sungai Guntung, Tembilahan
- Tanjung Balai Karimun, Tanjung Balai Karimun
- Tanjung Benoa, Denpasar
- Tanjung Emas, Semarang
- Tanjung Gudang, Pangkal Pinang
- Tanjung Harapan, Selat Panjang
- Tanjung Intan, Cilacap
- Tanjung Kelian, Pangkal Pinang
- Tanjung Lontar, Kupang
- Tanjung Pandan, Bangka Belitung
- Tanjung Perak, Surabaya
- Tanjung Priok, DKI Jakarta
- Tanjung Uban, Tanjung Uban
- Tanjung Wangi, Jember
- Tarempa, Tarempa
- Teluk Bayur, Padang
- Teluk Nibung, Tanjung Balai Asahan
- Tembilaha, Tembilahan
- Tri Sakti, Banjarmasin
- Tual, Tual
- Tunon Taka, Nunukan
- Yos Sudarso, Ambon
- Yos Sudarso, Cirebon
Land Borders:
- Aruk, Sambas
- Entikong, entikong
- Metamauk, Atambua
- Mota’ain, Atambua
- Nanga Badaum Sanggau
- Napan, Atambua
- Skouw, Jayapura
Further information on the details and the enquiries as well, you are pleased to asked to contact any Indonesian Embassy in your home country.
Just in case the travelers feels those 30 days of Visit Visa Exemption facility is not enought of insufficient , you can absolutely apply Visit Visa or the Visa on Airrival. Could I add however that the visa is given for 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days
The visa cost about Rp.455.000 (Fourty Hundred And Fifty Five Thousand Rupiahs) or equal to about US $ 35 (currency 1 USD = Rp.13.000,-). Travelers from 61 countries around the globe can get extentions of their Visa On Arrival (VoA) which can be reached at designed entry airports and see ports as well. Starting from January 26th, 2010 , the government of the Republic Of Indonesia will no longer extend or continue the 7-day Visa-on-Arrival
We also have exeption policy upon this rule : the Special Economic Zone in the Riau Islands province only. The the 7-day Visa on Arrival (VoA) can still be obtained at the seaports on Bintan -including Tanjung Pinang and Bandar Bentan Telani - and Karimun and the islands of Batam. The fee is US$ 15.
Countries extended Visa-on-Arrival facility are:
1. Algeria, 2. Australia, 3.Argentina, 4.Austria, 5. Bahrain, 6. Belgium, 7. Brazil, 8. Bulgaria, 19. Canada, 10.Cyprus, 11. Denmark, 12. Egypt, 13. Estonia, 14.Fiji, 15. Finland, 16.France,17. Germany, 18.Greece 19.Hungary, 20.Iceland, 21.India, 22.Iran, 23. Ireland,24.Italy, 25. Japan, 26.Kuwait, 27. Lao PDR, 28.Latvia, 29.Libya, 30.Lithuania, 31.Liechtenstein, 32. Luxemburg, 33. Malta, 34. Maldives, 35.Monaco,36. Mexico, 37. New Zealand, 38. the Netherlands, 39. Norway, 40. Oman, 41.Panama, 42. The People’s Republic of China, 43.Poland, 44. Portugal, 45. Qatar, 46. Rumania, 47.Russia, 48.South Africa, 49.South Korea, 50.Switzerland, 51.Saudi Arabia, 52.Spain, 53.Suriname, 54.Sweden, 55.Slovakia, 56.Slovenia,57.Taiwan, 58. Tunisia. 59. the United Arab Emirates, 60. the United Kingdom,61. The United States of America.
Further Information on imigration at http://www.imigrasi.go.id/
VISA Application at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates
Information on Indonesia embassies and consulates contact details at the Ministry of Foreign Affair website at www.kemlu.go.idFree entry visa is also provided to delegates registered in a conference that is officially convened. In addition, tourist visa can be obtained from every Indonesian Embassy or Consulate. You can visit Indonesia through certain means and gates, by air via Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Manado, Biak, Ambon, Surabaya and Batam; by sea via Semarang, Jakarta, Bali, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Tanjung Pinang and Kupang. Maximum stay in Indonesia is two months.Visitors from other countries must apply for visa at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates in their home country. In addition, visas cannot be replaced with any other immigration letters.The visa shall then be administered by the Visa Officer in the presence of the applicant concerned.
On Arrival
You will need to complete a Passenger Arrival Card before passing through Customs Passport Control. A passenger arrival card will be given to you during your flight; if not, cards are available in the arrival area. Customs prohibited and restricted goods, Bio security risk goods.
After you’ve cleared passport control, you should collect your baggage and proceed through customs and bio security checks. In order to protect Indonesia and it's environment, certain items are not allowed to be brought into the country, have restrictions for entry or must be declared if they are deemed to present a bio security risk. These include food, plants, animal products and outdoor recreational equipment.
Airport Tax
An airport tax of Rp150,000 isle vied by airports on departing passengers on international flights and Rp. 40,000 for those on domestic routes. Most airlines today incorporate airport tax into their total tickets cost on purchase. Do make sure that this is already included.
Most hotels add a 10% service charge to the bill on top of the 10% tax. In restaurants where service charge is not added, a tip of 5 to 10% on the bill will be appropriate depending on the service and type of establishment.
Maximum items allowed by customs when you visit Indonesia:
- 1 liter of alcoholic beverages
- 200 cigarettes OR 50 cigars OR 100 grams of tobacco
- Reasonable amount of perfume per adult, meaning if you arrive drenchedin perfume the customs probably will not mind you carrying loads of bottles.
- Cameras, video cameras, portable radios, cassette recorders, binoculars and sport equipments are admitted provided they are taken out on departure. They must be declared to Customs.
- Firearms
- Narcotics drugs
- Pornography materials
- Chinese printing and medicines
- Transceivers and cordless telephone
- Films, pre-recorded video tapes, laser discs, VCDs, DVDs must be screened by Censor Board.
- Import or export of foreign currencies and travelers’ checks are allowed. However, the import and export of Indonesia currency, exceeding 100 million Rupiah is prohibited.